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Turning a French Door Into a Shower Wall

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No-build Folding Table Makeover00:04/08:39
Using painters tape I taped off all the panes so that I would not have to do so much scraping once the I painted.
This is after some sanding and stripping were done.
Finally, the stripping and painting are done. time to bring it inside begin the decision-making process of how to attach it to the wall. We had already discussed several options. It was just a matter of deciding which idea was best.
We ended up drilling holes in the tile and attaching it to the tile with brackets.
Side view. I have decided that I am going to paint the floor so, you can see that I had to paint that section before we completed putting the door up.
Alrighty, all is up and in place.
We placed the original door knob back on the door but, there was still a hole where the key slot was. Through the years that piece had gotten lost. I had to put my creative thinking into gear and decide what to do
Out to the workshop, I go and start rummaging through all of our antique parts and pieces we have saved through the years. I found this old pull that we used.
I am very pleased with the outcome. I still have to complete painting the floor. I have decided that I am going to do that in sections. Doing it in sections will keep me from having the bathroom totally out of commission.