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How to Clean Mold Off Leather

Leather is one of the most challenging materials to clean without damaging it. So, when mold or mildew makes its way onto your favorite leather item, you already know it’s going to be a long day. How to clean mold off leather may seem like a chore, but it is quite easy if you use the proper techniques and cleaning supplies to get the job done.

To clean moldy leather or suede, a variation of leather, shy away from harsh chemical cleaners that will ruin your suede. It’s a hard thing to do when bleach tends to be the go-to cleaner for obliterating mold.

Fortunately, bleach is not the only cleaning agent out there that effectively and safely removes mold. In just four simple steps, you will learn the best methods for tackling mold on leather, which cleaners to use, and when to use them.

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Table Of Contents
  1. Tips to Know Before You Clean Moldy Leather
    • What’s the difference between mold and mildew?
    • What supplies will I need when cleaning my leather goods?
  2. Cleaning Mold from Leather in 4 Easy Steps
    • 1. Brush Away Mold Particles
    • 2. How to Clean Mold Off Leather Gently
    • 3. Spot Cleaning Mold from Leather with Vinegar
    • 4. Spot Clean Moldy Leather with Rubbing Alcohol

Tips to Know Before You Clean Moldy Leather

Before you get started removing the mold from your leather items, here are a few additional tips to help you along the way. If you are unsure whether you should treat the spot on your shoe as mold or mildew or what supplies are necessary when cleaning, these helpful cleaning tips will answer your questions.

What’s the difference between mold and mildew?

While mold and mildew often go hand-in-hand, they are two very different beasts when it comes to cleaning. Both are fungi that thrive in moisture-rich climates with plenty of warmth, and both grow on leather.

When it comes to mildew vs mold, as far as differences, the most obvious way to tell them apart is color. Most mildew appears as a white, grey, or yellowish substance on fabrics and paper materials, while mold grows in shades of black or green.

Both can cause long-term health problems if not taken care of quickly, so act as soon as you see either developing on your items. Using a dehumidifier in areas with heavy moisture is a great way to reduce the amount of mildew and mold growth in your home.

What supplies will I need when cleaning my leather goods?

When cleaning mold off of leather, always start with safety first. When you get rid of mold at home on your own, wear rubber gloves and a mask to prevent mold spores from getting anywhere on or in your body. Some other supplies you may need when cleaning are listed here.

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