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5 Simple Exercises For Perfect Buttocks, Thighs, and Legs

3. Inner Thigh Leg Lift

Lie on the side. Bend the top leg over the bottom one and rest the knee on the floor in front of the body.  Lift the straight leg a few inches and lower it again, making sure it doesn’t touch the ground. Begin with 10 repetitions per side.

Butt Sculpting Exercises

You might wonder, what a pair of toned thighs is if there is not a well-toned butt with them. Luckily, the exercises below are a great way to tone up this muscle group!

4. Glute Bridges

This stretch targets the glutes, the hamstrings, and the lower back simultaneously. Lie flat on the back with the knees bent and the arms at the side. Squeeze the glutes and raise the hips to the ceiling. To avoid strain, keep both the head and neck relaxed.  Lower the hips back to the floor after a few seconds.

For more intense workout, adhere to the same instructions, but one leg at a time.  Push up the hips while keeping the left leg straight and the right leg used as a base. Switch sides!

5. Donkey Kick

This exercise targets the glutes and the core. Begin on the hands and knees, with the hands below the shoulders and the knees below the hips. Stretch the right leg behind you until it is in the same line as the spine.  Lower the leg down and do the same on the other side. For more intense stretch, do this with a bent leg.