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Whip out that baking soda. Here are 7+ ways to get your house super clean

However, be careful to use vinegar in a dilute way to ensure safety during use. The concentrated vinegar can damage surfaces made of natural materials such as marble or stone.

As for baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, it is a soft and supple crystals. It is excellent for removing deposits and dirt from surfaces without scratching them. The baking soda solution also helps neutralize acids and bases, and eliminate unwanted odors as well.

Therefore, when you mix the vinegar and baking soda together, the cleaning capabilities of that mixture will double.

1- To clean stainless steel sinks

All cleaning fluids available on the market are chemicals that can cause damage or scratch surfaces. As for vinegar and baking soda, they are natural cleansers that do not cause any side effects. It is also completely safe on stainless steel sinks. You can spray a little baking soda on sinks while rubbing the sink with a sponge dampened in cold water. Rinse the surface and add a little vinegar to the sponge to polish the sink and get rid of traces, then dry the basin with a dry towel.

2- To clean carpets

One of the main problems that many women face is carpet cleaning. But this process may become easier than expected in a few simple steps. To get rid of old, dark stains on brightly colored carpets, you can use apple cider vinegar in the place of the stain. Add some baking soda, then leave both the apple cider vinegar and the baking soda on the carpet for 24 hours or until the apple cider vinegar is completely absorbed.

Vacuum the rug and you can repeat this process if the stain is present.

3- To clean the bathroom

Cleaning the bathroom is one of the most stressful and annoying things for a housewife. But it can get easier when you use vinegar and baking soda. These ingredients are safe ingredients that help you clean sinks, shelves, mirrors, bathrooms and floors.

To clean the mirrors: You can spray a little vinegar and wipe them with a piece of cloth until they are completely dry.

To clean basins: Sprinkle some diluted vinegar on the faucet, then scrub with a sponge until it dries. Spray the shelves with vinegar, then wipe them with a piece of cloth.

Wash a piece of cloth with water and repeat the process again. Then, you can sprinkle some baking soda over the sink and rub it well with a sponge.

For cleaning floors: Both vinegar and baking soda work together efficiently to clean floors. You just have to put a few of them on the ground and then mop them well.