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8 home remedies to treat bronchitis and stop painful coughing attacks

3. Steam. Best Health Magazine recommends simply leaning over a bowl of steam treated with a few drops of eucalyptus or pine essential oil. This works because eucalyptus is an anti-bacterial that softens the mucus in obstructed airways, while pine oil is an expectorant that brings up and get rid of phlegm.
4. Cayenne pepper. Cayenne and other spicy foods thin the mucus in the lungs and promote a healthy cough, necessary to get all the mucus out of the bronchial tubes, says Best Health Magazine.
5. Oregano oil. It’s not just for pizza. Dr. Axe recommends oregano oil because it is anti-bacterial and supports bronchial health.
6. Ginger & clove mixture. Ginger is well-known for its ability to fight the common cold. As an anti-inflammatory immune booster, the following ginger-based recipe is also helpful against bronchitis. Check out how to make it below:
7. Garlic. It’s both antiviral and a natural antibiotic, but how should one consume garlic? Try the recipe below:
8. Honey. Thick, soothing honey not only feels good in the throat, it is also good for the throat. Add 1 teaspoon honey to hot tea or hot lemon water in order to treat congestion and inflammation.