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10 Natural Ways to Treat Your Bunions at Home

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is another natural remedy that can treat bunions. Curcumin, the key component in turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory and pain-blocking properties. Another benefit of turmeric is that can be used both orally and topically.

Oral use: Mix one teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of milk or lukewarm water. Drink this combination two times a day.

Topical use: Mix a little olive oil and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and make a fine paste. Apply the paste on the bunion. Do this 2-3 times a day for a few days.

Also, you can take curcumin capsules (400 mg), three times a day but make sure you consult your doctor before taking it.

4. Calendula

Calendula is another effective herbal remedy that can treat bunions. It is rich in potent anti-inflammatory qualities that can reduce inflammation and pain.

Also, calendula can prevent the onset of calluses and corns on this part.

Extract the juice from calendula leaves. Apply the juice on the bunion and let it dry on its own. Make sure you repeat this method 2-3 times a day.
Also, buy some calendula ointment and apply it 2-3 times on the affected part.
5. Food Exercises

You can improve your toe flexibility and reduce the pain with some regular exercises. In this way, you will slow down the progression of the bunion and prevent any surgery.

Not only your feet will benefit from these daily exercises but also the legs and muscles.

Exercise #1

Start in a sitting position and place a golf or tennis ball beneath the painful foot. Roll the ball whenever you feel tightness. Practice this exercise for 5-10 minutes every day.
Exercise #2

Again, start in a sitting position but cup the sole of your foot in your palm. Interlace the fingers of your free hand with the toes of your foot. Then bend your toes upward and downward, back and forth for 5-10 minutes.

Exercise #3

Stand up and keep your toes straight ahead for 10 seconds then curl them for another 10 seconds. Do this exercise several times.

There are many more exercises that you can do at home.

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