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Watch This Mom Attempt to Get a Good Night’s Sleep with Her Baby Beside Her!


Watch This Mom Attempt to Get a Good Night’s Sleep with Her Baby Beside Her!

All of you moms and dads out there know how awesome it can be to cuddle up to your little one at night. Babies are like little teddybears that smell good (for the most part!) and keep you warm at night. On the other hand, when these little ones don’t feel like sleeping—all bets are off. One super honest mother details the hilarious reality of what it’s really like to try to get some shut eye with a little one by your side.

Esther Anderson, the author of the wildly successful “mommy blog” Story of This Life, decided to allow her fans a glimpse into her morning routine. She writes:

Every morning my baby sleeps in my bed with me for a couple hours after she wakes up to eat. And every morning I ask myself why I didn’t just put her back in her crib….so this morning I grabbed my cellphone and recorded what my baby alarm clock looks like. I think I’m not alone in this…

The candid mother turns the camera on her infant daughter so that the world can see just how squirmy babies can be. Honestly, this woman is lucky that she doesn’t end up needing to get stitches every day!

This baby sure re-defines the meaning of a “restless sleeper.” in the NEXT PAGE there are some of her kid’s signature morning moves: