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Which Banana Would You Eat? Your Answer May Have An Effect On Your Health

Brown bananas are the sugariest, but still have high levels of potassium. Linus Puling Institute notes that foods rich in potassium can help to prevent conditions like osteoporosis. This kind of banana also contains tryptophan, an amino acid found like mood-altering. Tryptophan regulates the moods, so can lower the symptoms of depression, anxiety and also can help us to sleep better. The brown bananas would also be a perfect for the ones with digestive issues because they are very easy to digest. The overripe bananas need to be kept in the refrigerator because they start to lose the nutrients.

No matter the color of the banana they are still super healthy. Most of the people eat bananas in particular color just because of their own preferences not even knowing the benefits of the color.

However, we highly recommend you to consume bananas every day. Just add them in a smoothie, cereal bowl or eat them as a snack. Because of the peel they are protected from pesticides and pollutions. Also the peel makes them perfect to travel with.

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