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This Is the Murderer of Obesity, with Only a Tablespoonful Will Go down 30 POUNDS in a MONTH!

They only took different spices. The first group took 3 grams of powdered cumin every day. Many of the women usually mixed their cumin with 140 g of yogurt. The second group consumed the same amount of yogurt but without taking cumin.

The results stunned everyone. The group that took cumin managed to lose even 14 pounds more than the group that didn’t consume cumin!

The first group also lost more fat than the second group e.g. the first group lost 14.64% of fat, and the second one only 4.91% of fat.

Cumin contains filosterole which is an extremely powerful compound that can prevent the retention of cholesterol in your body. Numerous scientists claim that this compound is the one that actually speeds up the metabolism.