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Kill Mosquitoes Before They Hatch

By leaving room at the top, the trap doesn’t tend to overflow. Meanwhile, it evaporates on dry days too.

Next, we add a MosquitoDunk™. For this small amount of water, you only need a quarter Dunk, but they are inexpensive. We’ve used a whole Dunk so you can see it clearly.

Dunks are safe for use around fish and birds, however, we’ll make these traps extra secure.

We place a wire basket on top to deter animals. It can be wired in place for extra security around small children. We usually let gravity hold the basket in place.

We place 2-3 traps on our quarter acre property. We get rid of other standing water after rainfall, and the mosquitoes naturally head for these traps.

This one is made of a vintage copper pot and a DollarStore basket.

It’s alright to let the water become stagnant. The female mosquitoes will like it more. But do try to refresh the Dunk about once a month to stay ahead of the mosquito hatching.

If you happen to get a bite, we’ve found that we can paint the bite once or twice with NewSkin Liquid Bandage and it will hold the allergen in place so that it doesn’t generate histamines that cause itching. What a relief! To see our Love for a Country House YouTube channel, follow this linkSee you later!