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How To Use Borax To Clean Carpet And Remove Carpet Stains

Borax is generally thought of as a laundry booster, but you can also use borax to clean carpet. Find out how here with step by step instructions and a recipe.

Borax is a naturally occuring mineral, also known as sodium borate, that is mined from the earth.

It is easily dissolvable in water, and is often used to soften hard water used for washing clothes.

There are many other household uses for borax powder too, like for cleaning your bathroom and kitchen.

Yet another use for it is to remove stains from carpets, and generally help clean them too.

The instructions listed below tell you how to create a solution of borax to spot clean stains from your carpet.

Recipe For Borax Carpet Stain Remover


  • 1/2 Cup Borax
  • 2 Cups Warm Water

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