Sharing a hack to fix sagging couch cushions- it’s like Botox for cushions.
I have a couch cushion hack today that does not involve batting. ** Update I added a video link below at the end of the post.
For most homes, the couch anchors the room. So you can see where sagging couch cushions easily make the space look tired.
And, no amount of strategically placed throws can hide the sag.
It’s kinda like Botox-there’s only so much sag the toxin can lift.
And, then there’s the elephant in the room- who wants to sit in the middle of the couch where you sink. It’s like sitting at the kid’s table at Thanksgiving.
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And, then you need to move to a filler- something to plump up the slump.
My hack does not use batting, but rather something you likely have in your linen closet.
Pillows! I ordered these Made in the USA pillows this spring when I shared how to clean down pillows.
Well, I had an idea and I tested it out on my couches.
My couch has foam cushions inserted into the couch-essentially this is an oversized pillow for a couch.
I thought it was going to be a sweat session to add pillows to the insert.
I was surprised at how little wrangling I had to do to get this pillow into the back of the couch pillow cover.
It immediately plumped up the back cushion. The best part no lumps or bumps. The pillow straightened the slouch.
This is an easy peasy hack with no batting or lumps.
Here’s a recent pillow hack if you are staging a bedroom before listing a home. It’s literally a pillow flip.
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