A needle can save a patient’s life from a stroke. This advice is from a Chinese professor who says that we all need to keep a needle or a syringe in the house.
This is an amazing and unconventional way to help a man survive a stroke. Share this advice to help someone survive!
Take the time to read it. You never know when someone’s life may depend on you.
When one gets a stroke — the capillaries of the brain are gradually tearing. This requires rest and immediate first aid. These tips will help you save someone’s life!
Be calm. Regardless of where the victim is, do not move, because if you move the patient, the capillaries will burst and it will lead to brain bleeding! It would be best if you have a needle of a syringe at home, otherwise a sewing needle will be of help as well.
Keep the needle — over the fire, a lighter or candle to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tips of all 10 fingers.
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