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DIY Fire Pit

The top layer of gravel was moved and so the bottom layer of bricks are at a lower level than the gravel. It is lined with the sub base (hardcore) that is the base layer of this area.

Prior to using the bricks we used a pressure washer to clean them and remove any residue.

These were arranged in a circle in the area measured.

We stacked the bricks to five layers high. I looked at metal fire pit liners that line the top layer of bricks but this is not something that we could buy here. Looking at similar projects I decided that we would be able to construct this without one.

We are going to secure the top two layers together so that this cannot be knocked over and for safety. The rest of the structure will be held by weight. We decided this from looking at similar perfects and seeing what other people had done for this process.

There is a small natural gap in the bricks which will help with air flow when building a fire. We may add a grate the the bottom but it seems to work well without.

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