Home > Just for you > Crumpets – Delicious with tea!

Crumpets – Delicious with tea!

Unwrap bought crumpets for the first time and you might wonder what possessed you to add these to your shopping trolley. They’re rather heavy and leathery, and biting into a cold one is NOT a pleasant experience.

But add a little warmth, lashings of butter and a pot of freshly brewed tea and you could be excused for thinking that this is a completely different thing altogether.

Crumpets are more bread than cake.

They’re excellent with just fridge-cold butter, with butter and your favourite jam, or even with a large dollop of fragrant lemon curd. And what’s more… toasted, topped with mature cheddar cheese, and placed under the grill until hot and bubbling they must be one of the speediest suppers ever invented.

And while home-made crumpets are as wonderful as you a treat as you can devise, there’s no need to get your baking hat on all the time. Most people in England buy their crumpets and just pop them in the toaster before enjoying them with tea.

Please Head On Over to Next Page (>) for the full list of ingredients and complete cooking instructions and don’t forget to SHARE with your Facebook friends.