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Clean Your Body From Toxins And Lose 11 Pounds In A Month


You should prepare this breakfast in the evening and eat it in the morning.

Put the plums in a bowl and pour about 100 ml of boiling water over them. Cover the bowl and leave the plums for up to ten minutes. Take another bowl and place the oatmeal, cocoa and flaxseeds in it. After that, pour the kefir and mix the ingredients.

In addition, carefully chop the soaked plums in small pieces and add them to the mixture. It is a good idea to use a blender for this task because in this way you will get a puree.

Mix all the ingredients and store them in the refrigerator.

When the morning comes, take the bowl and eat the tasty and healthy breakfast. You can expect he first positive results after one week.

It is not unusual to experience an odd feeling in the guts after the first day, but once you eat this breakfast for the second time, the feeling should be gone.

Source: www.healthylifetricks.com

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