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Breaking Scientists Have Just Told Women To Stop Wearing Bra Immediately. Must See The Reasons!

Namely, the bras did not do anything in terms of supporting the chest, preventing the sagging and reducing the back pain as thought. In fact, it was quite the opposite: it turned out that wearing a bra makes the breasts even saggier. While the study lasted, some women stopped wearing a bra, and at the end of the study, it was discovered that they had a 7 millimeters lift in their nipples.

According to Professor Jean, bras interrupt blood circulation and that is why women who do not wear a bra can expect better elasticity because of the increase of collagen. It is a fact that lots of women wear the bra because they try not to distract people, but it turned out that getting the bra off is, in fact, a far better option which will improve the condition of their breasts.