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8 plants that’ll protect you from mosquitoes for good

6. Rosemary
Perfect for growing in hotter climates, rosemary is recommended by the New York Botanical Garden for its mosquito-deterring properties, according to Garden Design. The scent of rosemary also keeps moths and flies away. Use this herb as a decorative border — and trim off a bit to season your dinner, too!
7. Basil
Basil is a popular herb used in many Italian dishes, but this strong-smelling herb pulls double duty as a mosquito repellant, too. You’ll need to plant this one with plenty of water, drainage and sunlight. Plant this in containers near your sitting area or as a border for your garden.

8. Geranium
Geraniums are a pretty flower that can add lots of color to your backyard landscaping. This plant has a light lemon scent, similar to citronella. It thrives in warm weather, and can be planted in a pot.​
If you’re planning to redo your garden this summer, add a few of these plants to make your homegrown oasis a haven from the pesky bugs. Don’t forget to share these tips with your friends on Facebook.