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11 Weird Tricks That Will Help You Get an Amazing Night’s Sleep

3.Tweak your pillow

Let’s be honest—most pillows were designed with a “one-size-fits-all” mentality, but we hardly live in a “one-size-fits-all” world! So, instead of struggling with a pillow that’s doing nothing for you, consider folding it or re-situating it so that it better conforms to your unique body shape. Makes sense!

4.Don’t forget those socks

There’s a reason why your mother made you wear socks to bed! Even if you’re not cold when you go to sleep, that doesn’t mean you’ll be comfortable throughout the night. Studies have shown that people sleep much better when their extremities—i.e. their hands and feet—are nice and toasty. Talk about an easy fix!

5.Sleep on your left side

It may sound odd, but studies have shown that sleeping on the left-side—as opposed to the right, stomach, or back—helps to reduce snoring and may just end up improving heart function.

6.Ditch your devices once the lights go out

Do we even have to explain this one? Whether or not you want to admit it, that blinding blue light from your cell phone isn’t doing anything to promote a good night’s rest!