Home > Just for you > The Top 27 Alkaline Foods on the Planet (Eat more to prevent cancer, obesity and heart disease)

The Top 27 Alkaline Foods on the Planet (Eat more to prevent cancer, obesity and heart disease)

Let’s face it, the Standard American Diet is just plain SAD. With processed “quick and easy” foods, fast foods, and genetically modified foods, out bodies go through a lot in just one day.
And it’s not just about the horrible ingredients that go into everything; it’s also about what this food is doing to our body’s pH levels.
The human body is meant to be an alkaline organism, and if you’re putting too much junk food in, chances are you’re also eating too many acidic foods.
When we eat acidic foods, our blood pH can change from a normal alkaline level to a harmful acidic level. This will affect the immune system and make us more susceptible to disease.
Even if you are not worried about your blood pH levels (if you eat enough healthy foods in a day), these alkaline foods will help your body for many other reasons and can add to your overall wellbeing.

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