Home > Just for you > Sweet and Crunchy Cinnamon Palmiers

Sweet and Crunchy Cinnamon Palmiers

These cinnamon palmiers are very addictive because they are so crunchy and sweet. They are also a treat that anyone can make because the recipe is so easy!

I have recently been introduced to an amazing little pastry snack that I had never even heard of before now. The sweet little bites of heaven that I am referring to are cinnamon palmiers. I’m not sure why I have never come across them before now – they are so good everyone should know about them!

When I first stumbled across this recipe I thought it sounded too good to be true – something truly yummy can’t be that easy to make! But I gave it a go anyway and was very pleased with the result.

I was searching for easy to make puff pastry recipes when I came across a recipe for palmiers. When I started out I wanted something that was simple to make. I also wanted something that would just use ingredients from my pantry.

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