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Say No To Diabetes! An Egg Is What You Need To Control Your Blood Sugar! This Is What You Must Do!

According to his researches, if you give these minerals to your organism in the quantity it needs them, then it is not necessary to worry about the ingestion of sugar.

So, what does this recipe consist of? You will only need several ingredients that may already have in your kitchen!

Egg Recipe To Control Your Blood Sugar


  • 12 chili peppers
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon of marine salt


It seems incredible that you are going to get rid of this terrible illness with so little, but it is true.

Once you have assembled the ingredients, do this:

1. Cut the peppers and crush them well.

2. Then, break the eggs and mix them with the crushed chili.

3. Add the teaspoonful of marine salt and stir everything very well.

Your homemade remedy is ready!

Consume it for several days and you will say goodbye to diabetes!