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Rug Cleaning Solution

  1. 1 C warm water
  2. 1 Tbsp baking soda
  3. 1 Tbsp dawn dish soap

Put your water in a bowl and add your other two ingredients and mix. Get a rag and get ready to blot.

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Get your rag wet and start blotting at the stain (it will pull it up out of the fibers) Never scrub out a stain it only rubs it further into fibers.

After a couple blots the stain will start to pull up.

After I initially blotted it, I did leave the remaining solution on the stain to soak for about 10 minutes.

Come back with a dry, clean rag and apply pressure (stepping on it works great).

Once you got most of the water soaked up, let it air dry.

Stain is gone! (For now!) On the opposite side of the rug red gaterade spilled all over but this mixture pulled it up. I hope this helps! Adding some hydrogen peroxide will definitely help too on those stubborn bright stains.