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Once You Reset These 6 Hormones, Getting Rid of Excess Fat Becomes Way Easier

To lower stress and balance the levels of this hormone, increase the intake of citrus fruits, spinach, foods containing zinc (beans, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms, nuts, seafood), barley, and foods high in omega-3s (flaxseeds, fish, walnuts).

Controlling Growth Hormones

These hormones affect our feelings, appearance, and actions, and are vital for tissue repair, bone density, muscle building, and healthy body composition.

Their levels lower with aging, and this causes higher inflammation markers, heart diseases, and an increased risk of excess belly fat.

You should consume more water, coconut oil, seeds, nuts, spirulina, pineapples, lemons, goji berries, fava beans, raw cacao, greek yogurt, chlorella, raisins, watermelon, and beets, in order to boost the human growth hormones levels in the body.

Controlling Testosterone Levels

This is the male sex hormone, which also affects hair growth, bone and muscle mass, and sperm production. It is also reduced with age, and causes extra pounds.

Its early decline might be the reason for muscle loss, depression, obesity, heart disease, low motivation, decreased strength, osteoporosis and early death.

Vitamin D boosts the production of testosterone, so you should consume more fatty fish, egg yolks, and mushrooms, as well as bananas, broccoli, Brazil nuts, and oysters.