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Modern Vase Hack

Make sure to take one piece of tape or two and cover the edge of the bottle as well so that nothing seeps in there.


Then take a piece of cardboard and line it up right at the edge, right at the top where the opening of the bottle is so it’s kind of flush.


Tape the cardboard so that it is tight around the bottle but leave the top open.


Now we have an opening that we’re going to put cement into.


You can get cement where you can mix it yourself but I like to use premixed cement. It makes it a lot easier and not as messy.


Take a little spackling knife and start packing it in there. Be sure to put on some plastic gloves because cement will dry out your hands. It has a drying agent in it.


Keep putting the cement inside until you get it all the way to the top. In between filling it up, make sure to tap it on a surface, on the ground, or on top of your table. That will get the cement to slide down and be more compact and have fewer air bubbles when you’re done.


After you’ve gone all the way around, you’re going to smooth out the top and then let it dry. Mine took about 48 hours to dry. It took longer than I thought.


Once it is fully dry, remove the cardboard. If you have any cardboard that’s left on top of the cement, that’s not a problem because you’re going to take sandpaper anyways and smooth it out. Something interesting happened with mine since I used a USPS envelope it left some of the blue stripes that were on the envelope, which I actually liked. I think it added some cool detail.


Take some sandpaper and sand the cement a little and just make sure it’s smooth all the way around. I love that it already looks super cool. It’s very retro and modern, and I love the way this turned out.


After you’re done sanding, you’re just going to grab a cloth and just wipe the glass so it’s nice and clean and then you’re ready to put some flowers inside your bud face.


You can put a rose or some eucalyptus in your new vase, which I think looks really cool. It has a very cool beach vibe since the bottle that I chose was already a green glass. It really looks like an art piece. It looks like an expensive piece you bought from an art gallery or a high-end store.