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How To Destroy The Fungus Causing Your Sinus Pain, Congestion, And Headaches

Furthermore, researchers found that the inflammation and swelling could be reduced by the use of a fungicide.

However, you can also prevent sinusitis and strengthen the immune system by following the simple guidelines below. Here is how to create an environment hostile to fungus in the body:

— As fungus feeds on grains and sugar, avoid these or at least reduce their consumption

— Exercise regularly, to stimulate air circulation and cleanse the mucus to ease its way through the sinuses and lower the risk of infections

— Consume a high-quality fish oil or cod liver oil on a daily basis, to supply the body with omega-3 fats, DHA and EPA, and treat the symptoms of sinus infections

— Consume coconut oil made with copras or dried coconuts, as it is full of lauric acid, that gives it powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties

— You need to avoid foods contaminated with mycotoxins (fungal toxins)

— Wash the nasal cavities with a mixture of purified water and salt

— Try aromatherapy with essential oils

Source: articles.mercola.com