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How To Clean an Iron

Step 1: Scrub the Iron

I started by scrubbing the whole thing with regular ol’ white vinegar.  Which cleaned it up pretty much completely.

Cleaning a filthy iron takes a few ingredients and a few minutes… what a transformation.

Step 2: Clean the Nooks

BUT… there were a few little dingy areas so I used my handy toothbrush and some baking soda and gave the whole thing a good scrub. If you don’t have a toothbrush lying around… a little brush like thisCleaning a filthy iron takes a few ingredients and a few minutes… what a transformation.

Step 3: Steam the Iron

For extra measure, I turned on the iron and let the steam go to work for a bit.  All in, this 5″ cleaning jaunt has given me one of the best before and after pics to date.  (It’s almost as good as the footage of those detergents that remove mud, mustard, coffee grounds and red wine in one swirl around the bowl.)  And no, I still don’t understand Photoshop so these pics are the real deal.

Cleaning a filthy iron takes a few ingredients and a few minutes… what a transformation.

In case you were wondering, that- ladies and gentlemen- is how you clean an iron!