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Here’s what the latest research says about migraines and how it can help you today

“And then a throb hits you on the left ide of the head so hard that your head bobs to the right…There’s no way that came from inside your head, you think. That’s no metaphysical crisis. God just punched you in the face.”
This description of a migraine headache by Andrew Levy in the book A Brain Wider Than the Sky: A Migraine Diary captures the dire agony of migraine. According to Mayo Clinic, migraine causes severe throbbing or pulsing pain, usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine is a terribly painful disease that according to the Migraine Research Foundation, affects an astounding 38 million Americans and 1 billion people worldwide. In fact, migraine is the third most prevalent and sixth most debilitating disease in the world.

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