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Changing Table Turned Potting Bench


I also highly recommend using a mouse or palm sander if your piece has smaller details like mine. It’s much easier to get in all the nooks with the sander vs doing it by hand!

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Stain Your PiecesUnlike sanding, I love to stain! It’s so neat to see the wood take on a completely different look. My preferred method of staining is to apply with a foam brush and then wipe WITH the grain using a rag or paper towel. Be sure to wear gloves so you don’t stain your skin!

Add Removable WallpaperRemovable Wallpaper was key for 2 reasons; first of all, the shelves were made of cheap laminate which wouldn’t have been easy to re-stain. Secondly, the pattern gives the new piece so much more character! I found this print on Amazon and it’s perfect because it fits the plant theme and is in neutral colors I love. Win win!



Removable wallpaper is very forgiving, so don’t worry about applying it in the wrong spot. If it needs to be adjusted, just peel off and re-stick! It’s pretty amazing. Line up a top or side edge and smooth down as you peel away the backing. I also wrapped the edges to the backside as shown so my cuts didn’t have to be exact.

Line Up if NecessaryYou may need to add an extra sheet if your piece is longer than the roll width, like mine was. All you need to do is match the new piece with where the side ended. You won’t be able to tell I promise!

I also applied wallpaper to the back paneling of the changing table. It really helped make a statement and add to the style. Use a blade along the edge to cut off the excess and peel away.

Reassemble Your PieceThis step was where my learning curve came in! The shelves slide into the base so after some trial and error, I found it easiest to drill together the front piece to the side and flip it upside down. This will allow you to slide the shelves into the routings as shown. I then drilled on the front panel and flipped the piece right side up!

Attach HandlesI love picking out hardware!! Knobs alone can change the personality of a piece. I found these neat leather pulls on Amazon and switched them out from the boring wood knobs this changing table came with

Enjoy Your New Piece!Project complete!! I added some plants and I’m looking forward to adding some more and might even put a little herb garden out here. I love that the drawer can hold gardening tools and I have tons of shelf space. Best of all besides the wallpaper and knobs, this project was essentially FREE!!