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Why Drinking Water First Thing After Waking, Has Huge Health Benefits

According to Dr. Rachna Pande:

“All nutrients are carried across the body in water. Waste products are removed from the body via water. It helps to form the structure of large molecules essential for various processes in the body. It actively participates in many chemical reactions. It also serves as a solvent for minerals, vitamins, glucose, e.t.c. substances essential for the body.”


“Water serves as a lubricant for the various joints of the body. It is due to gradual depletion of this lubrication that people start suffering from stiffness and pain of joints with advancing age. It also serves as a shock absorber inside the eyes and spinal cord. During pregnancy, it protects the fetus in the amniotic sac (a gestational sac where the baby is held in mother’s womb).

Water helps in the regulation of the body temperature and also in maintaining the volume of blood in the body. The electrolyte balance is also maintained in the body with help of water. It helps to clear the bowels and aids in digestion.”

Numerous studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of this practice, so here are several interesting facts that can convince you to make it your habit:

-Our body is dehydrated after the night, so it will help you boost the oxygen flow, and support the creation of new blood and muscle cells

-It detoxifies the kidneys and boosts the function of the colon

-It accelerates metabolism by a whopping 24% for 90 min

-It will improve the appearance of the skin and prevent skin issues

-Drinking water in the morning will prevent fatigue and mood swings during the day

-When properly hydrated, the immune system is stronger, and the lymphatic system functions perfectly well, so you easily fight off infections and sickness

-It helps digestion and prevents constipation

-This habit will help you eat less during the day, as water will fill up the stomach without adding calories and you will feel full

Pretty amazing, isn’t it?

Source: expand-your-consciousness.com

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