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What Causes Receding Gums? + 10 Home Remedies

Conventional Treatment

No one loves sitting in the dentist’s chair. And for those who have receding gums or periodontal disease, a trip to the dentist or periodontist can be particularly frightening and painful. Common conventional treatments include: (9)


  • Deep cleaning. These cleanings go beyond the annual cleanings. They involve a process called “scaling and root planing.” This is where the dentist scrapes off tartar from above the gum line, and below the gum line. Also, in some cases, lasers may be used.
  • Antimicrobial/antibacterial mouthwashes. To kill the infection, the dentist may prescribe certain mouthwashes and gels to reduce the bacteria and the bacteria-filled pockets.
  • Oral antibiotics. Antibiotics may be prescribed to fight the infection.
  • Flap surgery. After the deep cleaning, bone and tissue grafts may be recommended to regenerate bone and gum. Grafting may use natural or synthetic bone to promote the body’s natural healing tendencies.

10 Home Remedies for Receding Gums

Fortunately for those who experience intense anxiety when visiting a dentist, there are effective natural treatments for receding gums and periodontal disease.

  1. Green Tea. Known for its age-fighting compounds, green tea was found by Japanese researchers to promote healthy teeth and gums. The study, published in the Journal of Periodontology, found that drinking a cup of green tea each day decreased periodontal pocket depth, improved the attachment of the gums to the teeth, and reduced gum bleeding. In fact, the more cups of green tea consumed, the better the results. (10)
  2. Oil Pulling. This Ayurvedic practice involves the swishing of either sesame oil or coconut oil in the mouth for 10 to 20 minutes a day. Research shows that oil pulling removes toxins from the mouth, helping to prevent cavities and oral diseases. (11) In addition, oil pulling is just as effective as germicidal mouthwash at eliminating bad breath, a common side effect of receding gums and gum disease. (12)
  3. Coconut Oil & Himalayan Sea Salt Rub. To reduce the inflammation in the gums, gently massage gums with a mixture of coconut oil and pink Himalayan salt. Let sit for a couple of minutes, and then rinse your mouth with fresh water. Together, they have powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties to help relieve the symptoms when you have gums receding.
  4. Vitamin C. Having a deficiency in this essential nutrient is known to cause inflamed and bleeding gums. Boosting your intake of vitamin C-rich foods including oranges, kale, red peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts may help to reduce the inflammation and bleeding associated with receding gums.
  5. Aloe Vera. Researchers in India have studied aloe vera’s efficacy in oral health. In the study, they used aloe vera-based toothpastes, mouthwashes, gels, topicals, sprays, juice and supplements. The findings indicate that applying aloe vera gel to inflamed gums and pockets results in improvement of periodontal conditions. (13) Taking 100 milligrams per day, in addition to rubbing the gel on the gums, may speed healing when gums are receding.
  6. Septilin. This Ayurvedic medicine is known to boost immunity and fight a variety of infections. Septilin is a proprietary blend of Guggulu, Guduchi, amla, licorice and other compounds that support a healthy immune system and reduce inflammation. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial published in the Journal of Periodontal Implant Science found that dietary supplementation with Septilin improves periodontal treatment outcomes. In just three weeks, participants who were given the compound showed marked improvement in trial scores. (14)
  7. Amla. Another supplement commonly prescribed in Ayurvedic practice is known as a rebuilder of oral health. Researchers acknowledge that amla supports healing and development of connective tissue. It can be used as a mouth rinse or taken orally in a capsule form for long-term dental health. (15)
  8. Flossing. Anything you can do to reduce plaque and bacteria can help you when fighting gum disease. While flossing’s benefits are not superior to oil pulling if you do want to floss, floss smarter. Choose your floss carefully. Also, select an all-natural floss that doesn’t contain PFOA or other nonstick compounds.
  9. Mouthwash. Using a mouthwash made from oregano oil is a great way to fight infections in the mouth. Oregano oil has strong antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, and antiparasite compounds that can promote healing of inflamed gums while fighting the infection.
  10. Omega-3 Fatty Acids. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that 300 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids daily for 12 weeks significantly reduces gingival index, pocket depth, and bleeding while improving gum to tooth attachment. In addition, researchers believe that it may also act to prevent chronic periodontitis in some individuals. (16)


As mentioned above, there is an association between periodontal disease and increased mortality. Our oral health is an indicator in our overall health and wellness. As gum disease progresses, with gums receding, teeth can become loose and even fall out. In fact, gum disease causes nearly two-thirds of all tooth loss in adults over the age of 40. (17) Finding an effective treatment is essential for your long-term health.

Final Thoughts

  • Prevention is the best way to fight receding gums and periodontal disease.
  • Left untreated, gum disease can cause receding gums, systemic infections and loss of teeth.
  • Oral bacteria are associated with endocarditis, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.
  • Certain medications that cause dry mouth may contribute to periodontal disease
  • Oil pulling with sesame or coconut oil is an effective treatment as it reduces plaque and improves gingivitis.
  • A cup of green tea each day decreases pockets and improves the attachment between gums and teeth.
  • Practicing good oral hygiene, daily brushing with a soft toothbrush with soft to moderate pressure, helps to prevent plaque buildup that can lead to periodontal disease.

Source : DrAxe