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This to That With Just a Two Main Materials!?

I’m usually a big fan of bronze, copper but this color combo just wasn’t working for me. I decided to go with black

Step Four – Paint Hardware



I used what I had on hand and gave the hardware 3 coats of this spray paint.

Looking good!

Step Five – Put everything back together + enjoy!

Piece after piece I refinish I always say this is my favorite piece I’ve done to date, but this one is probably my favorite. When you walk in my front door it’s the first piece of furniture you see and I’m absolutely obsessed.

Here’s a honest picture showing what may happen if you decide to sand down veneer. There are a couple spots throughout this table that I sanded down a bit too much and sanded the veneer completely off, leaving the particle board exposed. I don’t mind too much, it blends in. Just want to show what can happen though. You really need to have a soft hand while sanding or use an alternative method to remove the existing stain such as citrus strip. I tend to stray away from harsh chemicals when I can, so I did not go that route.