Home > Just for you > Southern Chocolate And Coffee Cake Is Taste Bud Tantalizing

Southern Chocolate And Coffee Cake Is Taste Bud Tantalizing

I am a mega fan of chocolate and coffee. There have been times where I’ll enjoy a Hershey bar while sipping on a piping hot cup of Joe and I’ll actually dip my candy bar into my coffee. It is so good! granted, i can’t do this all of the time because I’ll gain 400 pounds haha! This cake is a Mississippi chocolate and coffee cake and it excites me to the point of delirium. I can’t get enough of this stuff!

You may think this type of cake is super hard to make but I assure you, it is not. It does take some time and patience but once you get it in the oven and frosted, you’ll be so glad that you decided to take the plunge on the bakery confection. If you entered this cake into a baking contest I am sure it would win the blue ribbon.

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