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Inhaling This Salt Stops Sinus Infections, Reduces Mucus Build Up & Helps You Sleep!

5. Improves sleep
Sleeping when you have an infection, allergies, or respiratory inflammation can be a nightmare of coughing, shallow breathing, and snoring. Using a Himalayan salt inhaler prevents and treats these illnesses to help you get some well-needed rest.

6. Clears Your Mind
By clearing your lungs, using a Himalayan salt inhaler boosts oxygen intake, promoting better mental clarity and focus. To increase alertness, add 1-10 drops of peppermint, eucalyptus or myrtle essential oil to the salt and inhale away!

If you can, take some salt baths too, since Himalayan salt improves chronic dermatological disease, such as psoriasis, pyoderma and atopic dermatitis (6).

How to Use a Himalayan Salt Inhaler
You can find a ceramic Himalayan salt inhaler at most natural health food stores and online. Many come with a satchel of salt, which is all you need. Whatever you do, do not use a plastic inhaler.

Here’s how to use it:

Two or three days before use, rinse out your inhaler with warm tap water and let it dry out completely. Do not use soap.
Make sure your inhaler is dry and place large pieces of salt in your ceramic inhaler according to the package directions.
Place the inhaler mouthpiece in your mouth and breathe normally, inhaling from your mouth and exhaling through the nose. Make sure to take deep breaths for 15-20 minutes daily.
To clean, remove the salt and wash the outside of the mouthpiece with warm salt water. Do not put in the dishwasher.
Keep it in a dry, clean place. Replace the salt every two years or so, as needed.
Watch this video for more information:

There you have it: use a Himalayan salt inhaler daily and you’ll have clear lungs and improved immunity. It’s a cheap, easy, and safe solution, plus, the whole family can use it. All you need to do is clean it between uses.