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How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins without Any Surgery

– Elevate your feet when lying down

It is very important to elevate your feet even when you are lying down. This is an easy way that will help you to reduce the pressure in your veins and prevent varicose and spider veins

Step #2 – Reinforcing your veins

– Natural supplements

The best and the only proven way to reinforce your veins is with natural supplements. Some specific herbs and fruit extracts have been proven to safely treat and prevent varicose veins

– Avoid the heat, seek the cold

One of the only time of the day that I can stand up without any compression stocking and not feel any pain or swelling in my legs is when I’m taking a cold shower. This is one of the best natural remedies for varicose veins you can use because cold causes constriction of the superficial veins, by direct stimulation of the smooth muscle lining these vessels. It is generally an easy treatment to do within your own home.

If you are not used to take cold shower, start slow. Try lowering the temperature gradually each day. Depending on where you live, this may not be as easy as it sounds. Cold showers in Canada are a lot colder than in California. Alternating between warm and cold is another option that can also work.

Source: http://www.thinkhealthybehealthy.org

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