This could be called the 3rd installment of my dining set makeover! In case you missed the dining table & buffet bleaching & refinishing posts, you can find them on my page. Our dining set has been well used and well-loved for many, many years! Mom said it had been stored in a barn prior to being given to them. Mom & dad used it for over 25 years and then gave the set to me.
When we were given the set, several of the chairs were in need of repair. We used a couple of them for about a year but then gave them back to my folks to store for us.
Since we weren’t using the chairs that went with the set, we needed to find others to use with the table. Over the years, we’ve had 3 sets of dining chairs. This is what our first set looked like; it is also our 3rd set.
This is the 2nd set of chairs.
When I decided to refinish the table and buffet, I also decided that it was time to have the chairs mom was still storing shipped to us. It’s so hard to believe that she has stored them for over 40 years! Once I made the decision to have the chairs shipped, I contacted mom to let her know. When she went to look for them, she found only 3! Both of the captain chairs and one of the regular ones are missing!!! Neither of us knows what happened to the other 3 chairs. Arghh!!!
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