Then simply keep pulling more loops through each loop and it should start looking like a braid.
Following that you’ll need to lay your yarn across the top and pull loops out through the top half of your braid and then simply keep going up in rows sticking your hand in each loop and pulling out a new loop.
To finish off your edges you’ll need to stick your hand into two loops and pull one loop out, which will create this braided edge. I know this may seem a bit confusing but, don’t forget to check out the link below and the video as well that should definitely help! 😀
TADA!! How cute is that! I can’t get enough! I’ve seen it in so many magazines and wanted one so bad! I had no idea it was this easy to make!
Our little fur balls can’t get enough too!
Here’s my little champ modeling this fluffy goodness on his head!
This isn’t the full DIY.. Visit the link below for the full one.. 😀 ________________________________________________
You can see more awesome DIY’s on my blog at the following link … _________________________________________________
Thank you so much for checking out my DIY. I hope you liked it! ________________________________________________
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