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Berry and Granola Yogurt Parfait

Ingredients for Yogurt Parfaits

• 8,8 oz (250 g) of fresh berries
• ¼ cup (50 ml) of water
• 1 ½ tbsp (20 g) of sugar
• 2 tsp of corn starch • 2 ¼ cups (450 g) of Greek yogurt
• 1 big tbsp of honey
• 3,5 oz (100 g) of crunchy granola

Begin to prepare the berry coulis, to allow it to rest in the fridge for at least 20 minutes. Put the water, the berries and the sugar in a small saucepan on a low flame… and stir until the berries are mushy.
Strain the berries through a colander to remove any seed. Now add the corn starch, which has been melted in a very little water… stir… and put on the stove again until the mixture has thickened.
Our coulis is ready, now pour into glass cups… and put in the fridge to cool for 20 minutes.
In the meanwhile, we’ll prepare the yogurt cream. Pour the honey into the yogurt… and stir until you have a creamy mixture.
Now that our coulis is cold, we can divide the yogurt into the cups.
Finish with a layer of crunchy granola on each cup… and garnish with fresh berries