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5 Soothing Essential Oils To Rub On Your Sciatic Nerve For Instant Pain Relief

Furthermore, essential oils can also soothe sciatica. The best choices against the painful condition are juniper, mustard, pepper, lavender and roman chamomile oils, which should be first mixed with a carrier oil (coconut or olive oil), before being rubbed on the painful areas. Put a warm cloth on the spot after you’re done with the essential oil massage in order to relax your muscles and further dull the pain.

Besides rubbing the aforementioned oil on your painful back or hips, you can add a combination of them in your bathtub and soak in it for 10-15 minutes. Saffron tea, celery juice, nettle tea and fresh thyme or oregano added to a bathtub with hot water have also been known to help, and we strongly suggest trying them. Sciatica is painful indeed, but you shouldn’t just wait for the pain to pass. Instead, try the natural remedies we mentioned in this article and we’re sure you’ll be amazed by the results.