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3 DIY Homemade Dog Shampoo Recipes for a Shiny, Glossy Coat

Method 3: Shampoo for Dry and Itchy Skin
This DIY homemade dog shampoo is very useful if your dog has allergies or dry, itchy skin.

Oatmeal powder has soothing properties and provides relief from itchy skin. It acts as a gentle cleanser and also moisturizes your pet’s dry skin. The baking soda also acts as a natural cleanser and gently exfoliates your pet’s skin to remove any allergy-causing impurities.

Things you’ll need:

things you'll need to make diy shampoo for dry and itchy skin

Baking soda (natural cleanser)– 1 tablespoon
Oatmeal, powdered (soothes skin)– ¼ cup
Water – enough to make a thin paste

Step 1. Combine baking soda, oatmeal and water in a bowl

Combine baking soda, oatmeal and water to make diy dog shampoo
Combine baking soda, oatmeal and water

Put 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a mixing bowl.
Add ¼ cup of oatmeal powder.
Add as much water as needed to make a thin, shampoo-like paste.

Step 2. Mix well and store for future use

Mix and store to make diy sog shampoo
Mix and store the shampoo and use it 1 to 2 times in a month

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
Transfer and store it in an old shampoo or any other similar container, in a cool, dark and dry place.

Bathe your dog with this DIY homemade dog shampoo 1 to 2 times a month for healthy and well-moisturized skin.

Always do a patch test to check for adverse reactions before covering your pet with any new shampoo.
Bathing your pet too often can actually be quite harmful. Unless your dog has a skin disease, you should ideally shampoo him only twice a month.
Another way to figure out whether it is time to give your pet a bath is through smell. If you can smell your dog the moment he enters the room, it’s time for a bath.