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10 Signs You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

7. Constipation
Water lubricates your digestive system and if you don’t stay hydrated enough, you will suffer from constipation. The intestine requires water to catalyze the process of digestion but if you stay dehydrated, that water gets used up by colon instead. So, don’t push your body to the extreme and consume enough water to replenish your body with minerals throughout the day.

8. Fatigue and Lethargy
In the state of dehydration, your body is forced to borrow water from the blood, which in turn reduces oxygen in the body. And when the daily requirement of oxygen in the body is not met with, the body gets feeling fatigued and sleepy. Lack of water in the body reduces the stamina of the body and induces lethargy much earlier in the day.

9. Bloodshot eyes
Dehydration dries up your tear ducts, leading to bloodshot eyes. If you feel that your eyes are dry and you may not have tears even if you feel like crying, its a cause of concern. Dryness in the eyes can harm your eyes adversely, especially if you use contact lenses.

10. Recurring Sickness
When your body doesn’t require adequate amount of water daily, your organs start using water stored in areas like blood. This causes health problems and you might end up falling ill quite often. Dehydration fiddles with the process of detoxification and waste materials find it difficult to find a way out from your body. You need to fuel your body with a lot of water so that the toxins are flushed out of the body and there is enough water left for other organs to carry out their daily function properly. You can also consume detox water in case you feel like adding a bit of flavour to water. All you have to do is add cucumber, mint, ginger and lemon to drinking water and sip it every few minutes to stay hydrated.