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Here’s what the latest research says about migraines and how it can help you today

One of the most frustrating aspects of migraine is not knowing the definitive cause and therefore having no surefire cure. However, many migraine sufferers are aware of certain “triggers,” many of which are related to diet. In fact, The Cleveland Clinic names caffeine and alcohol, in addition to aged cheese, deli meats that contain nitrates, pickled foods, freshly baked breads, onions, avocados, and even some fresh fruits, like ripe bananas, citrus fruits, papaya, and kiwi as common migraine triggers.
Why and how certain foods lead to migraines has long been a mystery. Until now.
The Guardian recently reported a new and exciting study published in the medical journal mSystems, which found migraine sufferers have higher levels of gut bacteria involved in processing nitrates. Researchers explain when nitrates are broken down by bacteria in the mouth and stomach, the chemical is converted into nitric oxide in the blood stream. When nitric oxide is used to intentionally dilate blood vessels, as in cardiac interventions, it is not uncommon for patients to experience excruciating headaches. Given this new study, researchers now suspect nitric oxide is a direct cause of migraine.

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