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Turmeric Honey Mixture – The Strongest Natural Antibiotic

You surely have heard of or even tried the amazing health benefits of the turmeric golden milk, but today, we intend to present another miraculous homemade recipe with turmeric- the turmeric golden honey.

According to Ayurveda scriptures, it is the strongest antibiotic, and it is a mixture of turmeric, raw honey, and black pepper.

This potent antibiotic fights bacterial and viral infections, strengthens the immune system and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that soothe seasonal allergies. It improves digestion, supports the beneficial gut flora, and has no side-effects.

FASEB Journal published a research in July 2010, which explains the way in which honey destroys bacteria.

Namely, researchers have found that bees produce a certain protein known as defensin-1, which is included in honey.  This protein might be added to drugs in the future, to help the fight against antibiotic-resistant infections.

On the other hand, numerous animal and test-tube experiments have confirmed the potent antimicrobial capacity of turmeric to destroy bacteria and viruses.

Read on to find out the recipe for this natural health bomb!

Golden Honey Mixture


  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 100 grams (3.5 oz) raw honey
  • A pinch of black pepper