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THIS Type of HONEY is Killing Every Kind of Bacteria Scientists Throw At It (Even the Super-Bugs!)

Biochemist Peter Molan is familiar with honey. He has studied natural antibiotics like honey for 25 years, and says that manuka honey is the most effective antibiotic, as it can kill bacteria even when diluted down by 10 times its normal potency. He says:

“There’s more evidence, clinical evidence, by far for honey in wound treatment than for any of the pharmaceutical products. ”

Honey is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2 or riboflavin B3 or nicotinic acid, B5 called pantothenic acid, vitamin C, biotin and rutine. And contains minerals such as: calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, iodine, and zinc.

Honey is such a powerful anti-viral substance that it should be used first on any bacterial infection.
When buying honey make sure you always buy organic, and if you can, choose a honey grown in an area near to where you live for added potency.