Home > Just for you > THIS Type of HONEY is Killing Every Kind of Bacteria Scientists Throw At It (Even the Super-Bugs!)

THIS Type of HONEY is Killing Every Kind of Bacteria Scientists Throw At It (Even the Super-Bugs!)

While honey has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties, scientists have now identified the exact property which makes it an excellent form of medicine. Defensin-1 is the name of the ingredient, and it is the active germ-killing ingredient found in honey.
Honey has great health benefits such as being anti-viral and anti-fungal, so it is great when used against infections. However, due to this new finding, honey’s status has been elevated to being an important factor in treating ailments.
It is known that when applied topically, honey can kill pathogens such as MRSA and flesh-eating bacteria, but more amazingly, the bacteria could not build up an immunity to it, like in the case of other antibiotics.
Honey is unique in that it fights bacteria on different levels, making harder for the bacteria to fight back. Susan M. Meschwitz, Ph.D., explains that honey uses a combination of different methods such as an osmotic effect, this is due to the high sugar content found in honey. It works by drawing water from the bacteria cells, which leaves the pathogens to dehydrate and eventually die.

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