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This Is An Effective Way To Destroy All The Cockroaches In Your House

What is best about it all is the fact that these balls are not dangerous for you or your pets, so you can distribute them freely around the house and close to your dogs, cats, or children.

Boric acid is used for disinfection and is not toxic. 3% boric acid is actually acidi borici, eye wash solution. Hence, if you cannot find boric acid powder, a 3% solution of boric acid can also be used and provide the same effects.

Furthermore, these balls will attract more and more bugs, and make them severely ill, so they can even infect other healthy counterparts by touching them only.

At first, you may get the impression that the boric balls do not work as cockroaches will move calmly, but in 3-4 weeks, you will get rid of all f them!

Every day, you will have to clean a pile of dead bugs, and you will finally solve this unpleasant issue.

Yet, if they appear again in 6 months, it means that female cockroaches have succeeded to lay eggs, and that is their new generation. However, you can get rid of it, in the same way, using the miraculous boric balls.

Source: supertastyrecipes.com