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Practice These Yoga Poses First Thing in the Morning to Lose Abdominal Fat and Tone Your Belly!

– Standing Forward Bend



By doing this yoga pose, you can calm your mind, compress your abdomen, and stretch the entire body that help in the process of toning the abdominal muscles and burning abdominal fat.

Start by standing up straight on the floor with hands facing the body.

Your feet should be placed flat on the floor, but your heels should touch each other.

While breathing in deeply and slowly, raise the hands.

While breathing out, you should bend forward at your hips as well as lengthen the front of the torso.

Consider touching the floor as much as you can with the palms placed flat on the floor, but without bend knees.

Then, do not exhale and tuck your belly in, and stay in this pose for about 60-90 seconds.

Finally, breathe out and bring your body back to the start position.

Do 10 repetitions with taking a break of 10 seconds between 2 reps.

– Board Pose


There is no doubt that this excellent yoga pose will strengthen and tone your arms, shoulders, butt, thighs and help in getting rid of the visceral fat.

Lie down on your stomach and then gently raise your entire torso by placing your hands flat on the floor. Your toes should be also touching the floor.

In addition, consider stepping the feet back for extending the legs behind the body.

Breathe in, while your head is facing down your palms. Make sure that the body forms a straight line.

Next, stretch out the ab muscles and stay in this position for up to half a minute.

Breathe out and bring your body back to the original position.

Do 5 repetitions with a break of 15 seconds after each rep.

– Bow Pose


It can stretch the front of your body as well as each back muscle, which enhances your body posture and builds up flexible spine. This yoga pose puts pressure on your abdominal area that boosts digestion, alleviates menstrual cramps and constipation.

Lie down on your stomach, stretch your legs together and place your arms alongside your torso.

Next, consider bending your knees, then, take the hands backwards and hold the ankles.

While breathing in, raise the head, bend backward, and also raise the legs as much as you can.

You should breathe normally while staying in this position.

Make sure you stay in this position for up to half a minute. While breathing out, gently return to start position.

It is recommended to do 5 reps with a pause of 15 seconds after each repetition.

Note: You should consult your doctor in case you are pregnant or suffering from any health condition, prior to doing any of these yoga poses.
