Home > Health > Lose 20 Pounds In A Week With Our Grapefruit And Egg Diet

Lose 20 Pounds In A Week With Our Grapefruit And Egg Diet

Nowadays there’s a new diet emerging and getting more and more popular. The diet is all about grapefruit and eggs. The reason is getting popular is because with this diet you can lose like 20 pounds in a matter of days.

Why did we choose this diet? Grapefruit actually belongs to the group of food that burns fat. In fact, it’s nutrients break down fat and remove it from the body. This magical fruit also stimulates digestion and boosts our metabolism. The egg whites on the other hand are full of of protein. The weight loss process will be boosted if you combine these two foods.

Basic principles of the diet: This type of diet is very strict, so beware if you have some health issues not to undergo this diet regime. The regime is usually for up to 7 days, but we recommend 3-4 days because in this period of time you’ll notice amazing result and it is unnecessary to continue with it.