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If You Want to Protect You Kidneys Don’t do This!

  1. Consuming Too Much Coffee

Don’t drink too much coffee, because the caffeine found in coffee can damage your kidneys if it’s in excessive amounts because it can lead to hypertension and overwork your kidneys. This can have some serious consequences on the long run. A recent study has revealed a relation between excessive amounts of caffeine and kidney stones because caffeine increases calcium excretion in urine. NOTE: the optimal dose should be 1-2 cups of coffee and 3 cups of tea a day.

  1. High Salt Consumption

Ladies and gentlemen, you should avoid salt, because it could cause significant damage to your kidneys as well as damage your health in general. Your kidneys metabolize about 95% of the sodium we take through food so excessively high amounts of it can overwork them and cause complications. And, the high sodium consumption makes your kidneys work harder to eliminate the excess salt. Consequently, this results in reduced kidney function and water retention in the body. Water retention, on the other hand, can increase blood pressure, which further worsens your kidney health.

  1. Drinking Too Much Alcohol

High amounts of alcohol can lead to serious kidney problems! High amounts of alcohol can lead to uric acid being deposited in the renal tubules and leads to tubular obstruction. This increases the risk of kidney failure. Moreover, alcohol causes dehydration thus affecting normal kidney function. The recommended “dosage” would be 2 drinks for men and 1 drink for women and seniors.

  1. Lack of Sleep

According to the experts, adults should get 6-8 hours of sound sleep every night. Anything less can have damaging effects on the long run. While you sleep your organ tissues regenerate. So, when you are sleep deficient, this regeneration process is hindered, which results in kidney and other organ damage. Your kidneys will operate perfectly if you have healthy sleeping habits and a sound wok-rest balance.