This is an exceptional trick that you need to know this summer! Do you have a lot of flies around your home? After you learn this, you’ll have no more problems with them.
Summer is the best! It’s time to hang poolside or have your friends and family over for backyard barbecues.
What’s not fun is dealing with all the flies that show up to your parties without an invitation.
Turns out, there’s an awesome trick to keep the flies away from your food and fun this summer that you need to try!
The best part about this little life hack is that you probably already have everything you need to make these bags to keep the flies away!
What you need: plastic sandwich bags, lime juice, a few pennies, and salt.
To begin, fill a bowl with about two and a half cups of water. Next, add 2-3 squirts lime juice and salt. Mix it all together and fill up the Ziploc bag until it’s almost full.
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